Thursday, June 01, 2006

Payattas Ministry

We're in full swing of our ministries here. One of the ministries which we are pioneering in the centre is Ministry to Children and an adult cell-group who live in a dumpsite called Payattas. Payatas is Manila’s largest rubbish dump site and a means of survival for some of the poorest people of Manila.It is both home and work for some 60,000 people, many of them falling victim to sickness and diseases caused by the constant burning of rubbish.
We run a weekly cell group for adults and also ministry to the children. The weekly cell group for adults has given those who come an opportunity to share their struggles and to support one another in prayer.

Having been to Payattas and meeting the people who live there, I’ve filled with gratitude and humility. I’m humbled by the faith of the people despite their living conditions and struggles to make ends meet. I realized that I can never fully understand them, their family situations and culture, their poverty is way beyond my understanding.

Long Distance Adoption programme for children in Payattas

Recently, hopeXchange(the humanitarian initiative of the ICPE mission) included a list of children in Payattas for the long distance adoption programme. This development programme aims at giving the child, the family and the community a better future. For the children in Payattas, the contributions go mainly towards providing education and financial support for a better quality of life for her family and community. Most families have no money to provide schooling for their children. Those who wish to contribute to this ministry can log on for more information.

Prison Ministry

We’ve been assigned to various ministries for the next half a year.. I’ve been assigned to the Prison ministry and Youth Ministry. For Prison Ministry, we are currently working with the Sisters of the Holy Eucharist to provide Restorative formation to inmates at Manila’s Maximum Security Prision. The aim of this formation is to ‘restore’ the dignity of the prisoners and also to share Christ with them. The prison we visit is quite different from what we usually know of a prison. The prison compound itself is like a mini village housing more than 15000 inmates. The prisoners can ‘make their own living’ within the village by buying and selling items for daily living and to visitors. What saddened me was the extremely poor living conditions for these inmates. For me, it is also learning to share Jesus in the prison and to see Christ’s face in these inmates no matter what they have been convicted for.

"I called you to be faithful , not successful."

We have a meeting with our leaders once in two months for an evaluation of abour our formation and also an opportunity for feedback and intercession. As I prepared for this meeting, I began to reflect on what fruit I’ve bore and the consolations in the past four months. I realized that there have been many moments of desolations, struggles with community life, having to deal with conflicts in relationships etc. but yet at every desolation, there’s grace to overcome and there’s always a new learning about myself, my weakness and a new challenge to grow in a new area.

Despite the desolations, I can see God’s grace and deep within there has been peace.I’ve also learnt was ‘to be’ and ‘to waste time’ with God. That this time of formation is a time to grow more in my identify in God and to re-learn that I’m not called to be successful but to be faithful.

These past months, we were introduced to the various aspects of the ICPE spirituality as well as the Charisms of ICPE. Through the teachings, discussions and reflections, I realized that I’ve been called not just to an institution, but to a new lifestyle. This is something that I’m still learning and embracing. What it means to live fully the charisms and spirituality of a lay missionary in the ICPE community. The challenge is that I forget and that I am not just in an institution, but this is a new lifestyle that God is calling me to and a new identity he is inviting me to embrace and own.

Growing in the gift of music

I thank God for the gift of music. I can say this now, I believe that this is a gift and I’ve grown in this gift.I remember some years ago, when I was struggling to try to play the keyboard for MSC meetings, God spoke to me through a brother who reminded me that all God wanted was my heart of worship and my desires was what reatlly mattered.
I thank God for this desire to worship and for the joy in my heart whenever I play some instrument to worship him. I’m no professional in music, but I I thank God for the gift of my hands, for music and for all those who had inspired and encouraged me to grow in this area. I am aware of the responsibilities and challenges that come along with this, because much has been given and much more will be expected... But with his grace, I’m open to the many more opportunities to grow, to be used and to be humbled.

Celebrating Life

It was an Honour to celebrate my Birthday on the octave of Easter and also a community holiday! I was blessed by some brothers and sisters who made my bday extra special by celebrating my birthday in Manila bay and also a surprise party for me at our roof toop. I felt that I was celebrating new life and re-birth. Birthdays are also a time when the community gathers to honour the gift of life. I am grateful for the chance to celebrate the gift of my life with my new companions and to be blessed by their affirmations for me. I remember there were many times in the past where I could not fully appreciate my gift of life, but on this day I can say ‘Thank God for me’ with all my heart and for all that he has made me to be. This is truly a new season for me and I thank God especially for the new friendships in my life.

Youth Formation Week

We had a week of Formation for our Bagiuo Ministry. We had a week of formation for our Bagiuo Youth Group.
It was an intense week of formation for them as they prepare themselves for a two-year commitment in a new community they will be starting.
I played a supporting role during the formation by cooking, doing some creativity intercessory and also preparing youth for a mime they were going to present for their mission in Singapore and Malaysia. I was blessed to see their desire to seek God and be healed in the various areas of their life as such a young age. What impacted me most was to witness the transforming power of God’s love in their lives.