Monday, October 10, 2005

Coincidence or Providence?

I can't believe it's been almost three months since my last entry. Terence and Gee were right , blogging takes effort. As I reflect the past two months, I can't help but wonder how time flies. I realised that when I am busy with work or going out or hanging out with friends , and when I do not make time for God, I miss God's graces.

Anyway, I accomplished a few things the past two and a half months, made a few major decisions, took leaps of faith and overcame some fears. Briefly, I helped organised the ordination of two Jesuit Priests in end July, went to Redang for the Open Water advance course in August. Did my first night dive and overcame abit of my fear of the dark , I think. (It was really scary at first diving at night!). Completed 11 dives in all. Then in Sept, I went for an 8-day silent retreat in Chiangmai all alone and made some life changing decisions. AND sharing with others.

After a dive in Redang

Main Chapel at Seven Fountains

So many major leaps in faith...

Just to share abit of my retreat in Seven Fountains in ChiangMai, Thailand.
It is really a great place. Place is run by the Jesuits. During my retreat, one of the things that I leart was to appreciate scripture. The contemplations and meditations were truly moments of grace for me and through the retreat I'm recharged and reaffirmed by God's presence in my life. It was really quite tough initially cos being alone, you really come face to face with yourself, your insecurites, pride and fears. I had alot of inner chaos and fears coming up. But despite the chaos, there is imense consolation and profound joys , which I am grateful for. I've learnt to let God be God. To surrender my fears to him because God knows what He is doing.

A few weeks ago, Gee asked me if I look for Divine Providence in my life.(She had to share something about this in Bible Study I think). I told her it is really easy to identify providence really, just by looking around (at nature) , by looking at our own lives, by looking at the 'coincidences' in our lives. I believe that there is no such thing as Coincidence actually. Because,coincidence actually contradicts providence. Having said this,I had a very freaky experience just today. (which is why I'm bringing this up).

For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to 'avoid' someone I met recently. I avoided the emails from this person , who is not a local. So , I thought it would be easy to just be 'out of sight and mind'. But just today ,my Sister met this person, who had came to singapore for a programme which my sister is also in . It was so strange! What is God trying to tell me?

"Put your self-love in the last place, so that it does not taint your deeds. Bear with yourself with great patience. Always fight with deep conviction that I am with you.." Jesus to Faustina. (Diary of St Maria Faustina Kowalska)

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