Wednesday, June 29, 2005

My Very First Blog!

This is my very first online journal.(yes I'm abit slow.) Thought I'd make an effort to be more reflective in my daily entries and to share all the God-given graces, short of having a nice webpage.

Today, Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of St Peter and Paul. Two great men & pillars of the Church. Men of great faith, Men who risked everything for God. I was awed at Mass today. Awed & grateful for the gift of Faith God has given to me. Something even I myself cannot fathom. To believe even when though there's doubt, to trust despite the fear, to hope even when there's trials...

"I have fight a good fight;
I have finished the race;
I have kept the faith."
2Tim 4:7


  1. Congrats, hope you do better than me. My second post came nearly 10 months after the first one ;-)

  2. hey hey hey. starting a journal is the easiest bit. the tricky bit is journaling regularly. hee. i'll check up on you :)

    i've a question about the "I have fight a good fight" quote. is it characteristic of the solemnity of peter and paul? i read it in your mustard seed link too.

  3. Yup, the Passage from 2Tim was the Mass reading on the Feast Day. Btw, I got a huge mosquito bite whilst testing the polaroid in the carpark. Very ugly.
